I'm Tony Morse, as you may have guessed from the domain, and this is my website! It mostly acts as a place for me to store my past work experience and links to programs I made, but eventually it will have more blog posts as well. Current plan is for the blog to focus on programming and technology, but will also feature entries about some of my other interests, including book reviews, updates on how the Red Sox are doing, and more (or less, who can know).
I studied Mathematics and Computer Science at SUNY Brockport in Western New York. Recently, I have been learning a bit about coding theory, statistics, and data visualization.
Outside of tech, I enjoy hiking, reading, and playing the ukulele (poorly).
I say I enjoy hiking, but really I mostly like walking, and the hiking trails are convenient. I will venture anywhere the wind takes me. Recently, that included a beach. I wasn't a fan of beaches in the past because sand is, as Anakin so eloquently put, "coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere". My roommate pointed out that I could just wear shoes, so I did, and the rest is history. Meaning I took some pictures that you can see below. I'm also including pictures from a hike at Mossy Bank, as 6 feels like a good number of pictures.